We are Columbia Trading Corporation, the most reliable distributor for Joyoung kitchen appliances in North America! Since 1992, we continue to provide quality and affordable products for families all over the state.
The company began at the end of 1992 when Columbia Trading founder’s first daughter was born, he held her in his arms and started weeping, wondering how he would be able to provide and raise her. Then he decided that he would start a business and registered his business. So that was the beginning of this business venture.
His company became the sole distributor of Joyoung brand in North America, a famous soy milk maker brand in Asia. This partnership created a massive positive impact on modern households and families worldwide.
Columbia Trading and Services Corp provides A+ quality products to help you achieve that dream of a healthier lifestyle for the whole family.
Through our continuous upgrading of technology and user-friendly products expression of love within the family becomes simple. Either through a glass of soy milk or a healthy cooked meal, you can achieve a better living standard by simply using a quality home appliance. Choose Columbia Trading and Services Corp and your family’s health will be secured.
We support healthy living for individuals and families all over the globe and we continue to join this campaign through environmentally friendly innovations and technological developments in line with humanitarian principles. We also want you to take part in this advocacy by simply choosing health-centered home appliances.
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Joyoung USA. 84 likes. We are Columbia Trading Corporation the sole distributor for Joyoung products in North America! We are specialists in kitchen…